Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Our Table

Every night my family eats dinner together. We have lots of fun conversations at dinnertime, and I thought I would share them. We start our dinner with a thankfulness prayer, it goes like this:

Thank you for our warm house
For our friends and family,
For our food, we are thankful.

For Life
For Healing
For Joy
We are thankful.

After we say our prayer we share our high/low. High/Low is a game we play by each sharing the "high" of our day and the "low" of our day. The "high" is the best, or most fun, part of our day; and the "low" is the worst, or not fun, part of our day. My brother Liam always says that he has "No lows!" He is a really positive guy, and he seems to forget the bad stuff. I share my high/low by my family asking me about what I did that day at school, and then I tell them "yes" when they get to the thing I liked most. 

After that we each choose a card from our stack of Christmas cards that we get from our friends all over the US. At Christmas time we hang the cards around the doorway, but when it's time to take them down, we put them in a pile and choose three to talk about at dinner. My Mom and Dad tell us about the people in the picture, or who sent the card. Then we send them kind wishes.

Last summer we did a project every morning at breakfast and every night at dinner- we grew a Gratitude Garden! We cut out petals, leaves and stems. Then every day we wrote one thing that we were grateful for. At the end of the summer we had a garden on our wall!
Our Gratitude Garden
A few years ago we made a Thankfulness Turkey around Thanksgiving time. My mom is always looking for fun dinnertime things to do!
Thankfulness Turkey

Tri For Kai- 15 year old Edition

To celebrate me turning 15 we signed up to do a triathlon! Today I raced the triathlon as MYSELF. I have always raced in the past with Mom a...