Tuesday, June 17, 2014


A month ago we left Texas after my participation in the stem cell trial at the University of Texas, Houston. So far, the most miraculous news we can report is the intense amount of gratitude we have for everyone who helped me get to Texas. Can you believe we raised over $10,000?!? I know, I can't either! To everyone who gave a financial donation we are so grateful. A list of those making donations can be found here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting us to our goal!

We know not everyone is able to contribute money, but many people supported us with their kindness, their words and positive thoughts. Just reading and responding to my blog is more support than you probably realize. In addition to all of this, it seems that everywhere we go, people show us kindness, compassion and respect. My mom sometimes has to hold back tears because of niceties we encounter.

I want to take moment to honor the, often unexpected, things that made my life a little bit brighter in the past month; and to a few others who deserve a shout-out!

The flight attendant who gave this to me on our way to Texas! Looks kinda brain-like...

Steve, the nurse who took care of us before, during and after my treatment. And ALL the nurses who made me comfortable, especially the ones who danced with me and let me play behind their desk while mom was getting dinner.

To the stranger who told my mom that the angels were going to take care of her in heaven. Read more about that one here.

To the Houston Zoo for giving us the military discount, which was FREE!
To our seatmate on the airplane home, who offered for me to rest my legs and feet on his lap so I could sleep more comfortably in Mom's arms. (Mom says I'm getting too big to sleep on her lap in an airplane seat!)

To this cool kid, Steven, who after hearing about my fundraiser from his mom, decided to collect all his loose change to donate for my trip. And he can draw cool airplanes too!

To this guy, Brian Beasley, who works so hard to make it possible for kids like me to play sports!

To my teacher, Mrs. Johnson, who works very hard to teach me how to communicate, learn and make great art!

To my girl, Taylor, who always makes me smile!
Also, a GIANT thank you to my Grandma and her friends, Peggy and Denise, who are putting on a HUGE yard sale this weekend to support me. 
To my 2nd cousin, Rochelle, who took time to get to know me last weekend and pushed me all over the yard. I love my mom, but sometimes it's nice to just be with the kids.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Being the receiver of all this grace has taught me about the power of expectation. Receiving something when you do not expect it is pure bliss. Sometimes our expectations create disappointment and can lead to a sense of entitlement. Of course, expectations are a part of life and we probably shouldn't get rid of them, but we should keep them in perspective. (Deep thoughts by Kai)

As for my progress, everything takes time. The doctors said any changes would be slow and gradual. So for now, we are just continuing doing my home program (about 5-6 hours of therapy a day), going to school, and having fun! I can't wait for summer to finally get here- only about a week left!!! Then we get to go camping with Mema and all of our Goley Aunts, Uncles and cousins and then to Illinois to visit Grandma, Grandpa and Aunties!

Once we are done with this whole project we will be making a donation to Let's Cure CP!, one of the organizations that made this study possible.

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